When planning a home remodel, there are many decisions to make. Often, the decisions have a substantial cost impact associated with them. However, when looking at the bigger picture of your remodel, don’t overlook quality details that can make your home visually appealing and comforting.

In her groundbreaking 1998 book, The Not So Big House, architect Sarah Susanka helped readers understand that the sense of “home” they are seeking has almost nothing to do with quantity and everything to do with quality. She points out that we feel “at home” in our houses when where we live reflects who we are in our hearts.


With that in mind, it is interesting to note that the word “niche” comes from a French verb, nicher, which means “to nest.” A wall niche is a relatively inexpensive way to add architectural interest and depth to a plain wall. A niche can also be a practical way to create easy-to reach storage in a kitchen, bathroom, or living area. In designing a niche, the first priority is to decide what you want to display, as it will determine the best size of your niche.


Additionally, if you are designing a niche for a shower or bath, it is imperative that it be sealed and waterproofed to prevent standing water and mold growth. Preformed shower niches are now available from several companies that speed installation and provide complete waterproofing dependability. Find more resources for building your niche in the left-hand column.

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